Election Day is Saturday, October 14.
All the polls will be open throughout the City of Vancouver.
City of Vancouver official page: https://vancouver.ca/your-government/2017-by-election
Find your Closest Vancouver City Voting Places to Elect Mary Jean "Watermelon" Dunsdon Here: http://bit.ly/2g7XiXL
Voting Places - Polling Stations:
1 Vancouver City Hall 453 West 12th Avenue A
2 King George Secondary School 1755 Barclay Street
3 Lord Roberts Annex Elementary School 1150 Nelson Street
4 Gathering Place Community Centre 609 Helmcken Street
5 Elsie Roy Elementary School 150 Drake Street
6 Crosstown Elementary School 55 Expo Boulevard
7 Lord Strathcona Elementary School 592 East Pender Street
8 Ray-Cam Co-operative Centre 920 East Hastings Street
9 Grandview Elementary School 2055 Woodland Drive
10 Sir William Macdonald Elementary School 1950 East Hastings Street
11 Hastings Elementary School 2625 Franklin Street
12 Sir John Franklin Elementary School 250 Skeena Street
13 Chief Maquinna Elementary School 2684 East 2nd Avenue
14 John Norquay Elementary School 4710 Slocan Street
15 Renfrew Elementary School 3315 East 22nd Avenue
16 Dr. H. N. MacCorkindale Elementary School 6100 Battison Street
17 Killarney Community Centre 6260 Killarney Street
18 Champlain Heights Annex Elementary School 7835 Champlain Crescent
19 David Oppenheimer Elementary School 2421 Scarboro Street
20 David Thompson Secondary School 1755 East 55th Avenue
21 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School 449 East 62nd Avenue
22 John Oliver Secondary School 530 East 41st Avenue
23 Tecumseh Annex Elementary School 1551 East 37th Avenue
24 Lord Selkirk Elementary School 1750 East 22nd Avenue
25 Charles Dickens Annex Elementary School 3877 Glen Drive
26 David Livingstone Elementary School 315 East 23rd Avenue
27 Hillcrest Community Centre 4575 Clancy Loranger Way
28 Mount Pleasant Elementary School 2300 Guelph Avenue
29 Simon Fraser Elementary School 100 West 15th Avenue
30 False Creek Elementary School 900 School Green
31 L’Ecole Bilingue Elementary School 1166 West 14th Avenue
32 Emily Carr Elementary School 4070 Oak Street
33 Shaughnessy Elementary School 4250 Marguerite Street
34 Point Grey Secondary School 5350 East Boulevard
35 Langara Golf Course Clubhouse 6706 Alberta Street
36 Sir William Osler Elementary School 5970 Selkirk Street
37 Sir William Van Horne Elementary School 5855 Ontario Street
38 Sir Wilfred Laurier Elementary School 7350 Laurel Street
39 Westside Baptist Church 8506 Ash Street
40 Dr. R. E. McKechnie Elementary School 7455 Maple Street
41 Kerrisdale Annex Elementary School 3250 West 43rd Avenue
42 Maple Grove Elementary School 6199 Cypress Street
43 Carnarvon Elementary School 3400 Balaclava Street
44 Prince of Wales Secondary School 2250 Eddington Drive
45 Henry Hudson Elementary School 1551 Cypress Street
46 Lord Tennyson Elementary School 1936 West 10th Avenue
47 General Gordon Elementary School 2268 Bayswater Street
48 Lord Byng Secondary School 3939 West 16th Avenue
49 Lord Kitchener Elementary School 3455 West King Edward Avenue
50 Southlands Elementary School 5351 Camosun Street
400 University Hill Secondary 3228 Ross Drive U
Register to vote online or in person.
Register to vote in person on October 4 or 10 (advance voting days), or on general voting day on October 14.
- Before you come to vote, complete the registration form
(37 KB) in advance (but do not sign) and bring to any voting place on the day you vote.
The form must be signed at the voting place and witnessed by an election official.
- Bring your completed, unsigned form to the voting place, plus two (2) identification documents (see 'Voter ID') that show who you are and where you live.
One of these two identification documents must include your signature.
Identification you will need
If you're registering in person at a voting place, you need to provide two identifying documents to prove who you are and where you live, one of which must include your signature.
Electronic copies of documents are not accepted.
Examples of documents you may use:
- BC CareCard or BC Gold CareCard
- BC driver’s licence
- BC identification card (BCID) from ICBC Driver Licencing
- BC Services Card
- Birth certificate
- Canadian passport
- Certificate of Indian Status
- Citizenship card
- Credit card or debit card
- ICBC owner’s certificate of insurance and vehicle license
- Income tax assessment
- "Monthly Report" Form (HR0081) from the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (formerly Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation)
- NEXUS card
- Property tax notice
- Social Insurance Number card
- Statutory declaration or sworn affidavit (from a notary public, lawyer, or commissioner for taking affidavits)
- Student card
- Utility bill for electricity, natural gas, water, telephone, or cable services
- Vancouver Public Library card
The new combined BC Driver's Licence and CareCard is considered one identifying document.
If you have only one acceptable identifying document
You can swear a Declaration of Elector Identity and Place of Residence in front of a Presiding Election Official at the voting place.
This statutory declaration becomes your second identifying document. Only one statutory declaration will be accepted.
A Presiding Election Official has the authority to accept any combination of two or more documents that provide evidence satisfactory to the election official respecting both identity and residence.
The combination of documents must prove both who you are and where you live, and at least one of them must be signed.
Update or change your information
If you are on the list and want to update or change information, such as your address or name, please do so at the voting place.
Omit information from the voters' list
You may request that your personal information be omitted from the voters' list to protect your privacy and security from August 10 to September 8, 2017.
- Complete the Request to Omit Elector Information form
(103 KB)
- Submit your completed form:
- By email to [email protected]
- In person to either the:
- Election Office, 1st Floor, 450 W Broadway
- City Clerk's Office, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 453 W 12th Ave
- By mail to Election Office, 1st Floor, 450 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1R4
View the voters' list in person
A copy of the voters' list will be available for public inspection in person from August 29 to October 14 at:
- City Clerk's Office, Vancouver City Hall, 453 W 12th Ave
- Election Office, 450 W Broadway
If you are are the registered owner of property in Vancouver but live in another area of BC, you may qualify to vote both where you live and where you own property.
To vote in the municipal election as a non-resident property elector, you must be:
- 18 years of age or older when you register to vote or will be 18 years of age or older on general voting day
- A Canadian citizen
- A resident in BC for at least 6 months immediately before the day you registered to vote
- A registered owner of property in Vancouver for at least 30 days immediately before the day you registered to vote
In addition, you must not be:
- Disqualified by any enactment from voting in an election or are otherwise disqualified by law
- Living in the City of Vancouver
- Holding the property in trust
Learn more about eligibility requirements for non-resident property electors (317 KB)
You can only be registered once on the voters list, no matter how many properties in Vancouver you own.
Is the property jointly owned?
You must have written consent by the majority of registered owners that authorizes you to be the non-resident property elector.
How to register to vote (Non-Resident Property Elector Registration)
Advance registration is now closed. You may complete the required forms and bring them with you when you vote on an advance voting day or general voting day.
- Complete the Non-Resident Property Elector Registration form. Ensure your signature is witnessed.
- If the property is jointly owned, complete the Consent of Registered Owners for Non-Resident Property Elector Registration form.
- Include a photocopy of your proof of ownership
- Bring your application with you when you vote on an advance or general voting day.
Proof of property ownership
Acceptable proof of ownership documents include:
- Property tax notice
- Assessment notice
- Certificate of title
Our next general election
The next general municipal election – when all positions on City Council, including the Mayor and 10 councilors, are elected – is scheduled for Saturday, October 20, 2018.
Park Board commissioners and School Board trustees will also be elected in the 2018 vote.